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"A measure of the total thermal energy, including the changes of states, included into a kilo or a mole of matter" (D. DUBOIS, 1987, p.62).
DUBOIS writes: "… thermal energy is the only form of energy, whose energetic value remains absolutely constant during its flow by conduction in stationary regime …thermal energy is the only one which is totally retained through a heat transfer because… it is the lowest of all possible forms"(p.64).
In some chemical reactions, energy in the form of heat is released (exothermic reactions, f. ex. explosive processes). In others, so-called "activation energy" must be added to initiate and sustain the reaction (endothermic reaction).
G. DYER emphasizes the role of catalysts in this last type of reactions: "Catalysts work in various ways, but their purpose is always the same – to reduce the activation energy. Using a catalyst will allow a reaction to proceed with lower energy input" (1996, p.47).
DYER uses the enthalpy and catalysts models as metaphors for psychological reactions in small design groups, whose dynamics must be activated and can be much favored by a catalyst, in this case a spirit of free exchange and collaboration (Ibid).
The considerable increase of enthalpy in man-managed physico-chemical systems during the last 150 years is closely related to the sociological chain reactions that we witnessed during this century.
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Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science(2020).
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Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (2020). Title of the entry. In Charles François (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics (2). Retrieved from www.systemspedia.org/[full/url]
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